Thursday, February 26, 2009

3. There's always time for a blog.

And don't let anybody tell you otherwise!

So, I missed the club picture for this thing I'm apparently in called CSF or something or other. I told Victoria to make Dara take the picture too so they could superimpose my face on the picture, but of course she failed. Dara was not in the picture. Therefore, neither my face nor my "body" will be in the picture. Some friend you are Victoria!

In other news, I've been trying to figure out physics for about an hour now. Who cares about electrons? Am I right? If I can't see it, I don't care about. There are also things that I CAN see that I don't care about, but that's irrelevant.

I'm all about irrelevance and digression.

I was wondering...why am I telling the story of my boring life day after day in such a "blog"? I don't think that the events that occur in my life are important enough to be documented, honestly. I don't even think they're worthy. At all.

-chants- My life is not worthy. My life is not worthy. My life is not worthy. My life is not worthy.

So, for those of you who have actually read, or skimmed (probably skimmed) their way down to here, please note that I never really ever have anything of substance to say. Well, maybe sometimes. I'll probably turn it around once in a while and write some crazy stories or something. Those will be fun. Yeah.

Bitchasshoeness! Have a good night. Don't grind your teeth, okay?

1 comment:

  1. here's the thing, we all have boring lives. so i will always read, never skim :)
